Future Pinball Recreations

Table Name
2001 V2.00 1971 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/07/09
4 Square - 1971 Gottlieb
Margoni 11/01/11
50/50 RC1a 1965 Bally
Leon Spalding 03/10/06
8 Ball V1.00 1952 Williams
Popotte 08/29/11
Abra Ca Dabra -=- BAM required V2.00 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/07/21
Add-A-Ball - 1961 Williams
Margoni 08/29/09
Air Aces V1.00 1975 Bally
Popotte 03/07/09
Airport V2.00 1969 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/07/09
Aladdin's Castle -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Bally
Greywolf 02/21/09
Aloha V1.00 1961 Gottlieb
Popotte 04/27/09
Auto Race V1.00 1956 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/12/15
Bad Cats RC2 1989 Williams
unclewilly 12/29/08
Balls A Poppin V1.00 1956 Bally
Popotte 08/20/08
Ballyhoo 1.2 1932 Bally
Patrick & tiltjlp 01/09/06
Band Wagon RC1 1965 Bally
Leon Spalding 04/24/06
Bank A Ball V1.00 1965 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/25/15
Beat The Clock RC1 1963 Williams
Leon Spalding 06/05/07
Big Brave -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1974 Gottlieb
Greywolf 02/21/09
Big Indian -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1974 Gottlieb
Popotte (Greywolf rescript) 02/21/09
Big Indian V1.50 1974 Gottlieb
Popotte 10/21/07
Black Jack (SS) 3.0 1977 Bally
rob046 & eXentric 05/31/06
Bowling Queen - 1964 Gottlieb
Margoni 02/07/18
Bronco -=- BAM required V2.00 1977 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/20/07
Capt. Fantastic -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Bally
Greywolf & UncleReamus 02/21/09
Card King V1.00 1971 Gottlieb
Carlo & Popotte 02/07/16
Card Whiz -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Greywolf 02/21/09
Centigrade 37 0.7 1977 Gottlieb
jc144 04/07/06
Central Park - 1966 Gottlieb
Margoni, Franz Leo 07/16/12
Cinema 1.0 1976 Chicago Coin
DrFierce 02/13/12
Cleopatra 1.1 1977 Gottlieb
Flash,Shane5734 07/21/07
Cleopatra (BAM and FizX) 1.00 1977 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/28/23
Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1.1 1978 Gottlieb
Scapino 01/25/06
Cover Girl - 1962 Gottlieb
Margoni 01/13/12
Cow Poke 3.00 1965 Gottlieb
Margoni & FranzLeo 11/20/12
Cross Country V1.00 1963 Bally
Popotte 05/30/08
Cue T 1.0 1969 Williams
Popotte 02/06/09
Cyb0rGirl V1.1 1995 PC Game
- Slash2084 06/04/08
Music Pack
Hi Res graphics Pack I
Hi Res graphics Pack II
- First disk = basic table (updated),
- Second disk: Music pack,
- Third-fourth disks: Hi Res graphics pack
V0.66 1988 Williams
Larsboy, Centinex, Pinwizkid,
Lio and jc144
Dealers Choice 1.0 1974 WIlliams
Clovis Morato 02/15/10
Dealers Choice V 1.20 1974 WIlliams
Popotte 09/29/10
Diamond Jack 1.0 1967 Gottlieb
Margoni 04/18/06
Doctor Maboul 1.0 - Milton Bradley Games
- Patrick & tiltjlp 12/21/05
Doodle Bug First Edition 1.00 1971 Williams
Popotte 11/17/11
Doodle Bug Second Edition 1.00 1971 Williams
Popotte 11/17/11
Dolly Parton - 1979 Bally
Vimy_photo 04/19/22
Dragon - Custom physic 1.00 1977 Interflip
Popotte 11/10/15
Drop A Card 2.0 1971 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/07/09
Eight Ball 1.00 1977 Bally
Popotte 01/11/09
El Dorado -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte and Greywolf 02/21/09
El Dorado 1.00 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/21/09
El Toro - 1970 Bally
Margoni 04/08/10
Enigma V2.00 1994 Epic Game
- FranzLeo 03/20/12
Evel Knievel (EM)-=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1977 Bally
Greywolf 02/21/09
Explore the Planets 1.32 1977 Durham Industries
- Alphabill 02/07/09
Expo 1.00 1969 Williams
Popotte 12/14/10
Expressway 1.01 1971 Bally
Popotte 05/21/07
Far Out 1.0 1974 Gottlieb
Popotte 05/01/06
Fast Draw 1.10 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/09/09
Fathom 1.0 1980 Bally
Flash 09/03/07
Fathom (Low Res) 1.0 1980 Bally
Flash 09/03/07
Favorite 1.0 1932 Buckley Manufacturing Company
Patrick 01/18/06
Fireball Home Version 1.0 1976 Bally
Popotte 11/02/07
Firepower update 1980 Williams
Brother_B 05/15/06
Flash 1.0 1979 Williams
Germax 12/04/07
Flipper - 1960 Gottlieb
Margoni 09/28/07
Flipper Clown V1.00 1962 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/07/16
Flipper Cowboy - 1962 Gottlieb
Margoni 01/09/08
Flipper Fair V1.00 1961 Gottlieb
Popotte 03/15/16
Flipper Parade - 1961 Gottlieb
Margoni 08/30/07
Flipper Parade - 1961 Gottlieb
FranzLeo, Margoni & Zorgar 08/04/14
Flipper Pool 1.00 1965 Gottlieb
FranzLeo 08/27/11
Flipper Pool - 1965 Gottlieb
Margoni 05/16/07
Freedom 1.0 1975 Bally
Flash 09/17/06
Freedom -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Bally
Greywolf 02/21/09
Friendship "7" - 1962 Williams
Margoni 08/30/07
Full V1.10 1977 Recreativos Franco
Popotte 09/25/11
Gold Strike - 1975 Gottlieb
Margoni 06/17/06
Gold Strike V2.00 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/03/07
Granada - 1972 Williams
Margoni 08/09/09
Grand Prix 1.20 1976 Williams
Popotte 02/02/13
Grand Slam 1.1 1953 Gottlieb
fpozo45 11/13/18
Grand Slam 1.0 1953 Gottlieb
mcrowell75 04/08/10
Green Pastures 1.1 1954 Gottlieb
fpozo45 12/12/18
Green Pastures Beta 2.0 1954 Gottlieb
Patrick & tiltjlp 12/16/05
Gulfstream 1.10 1973 Williams
Popotte 09/17/10
Happy Clown - 1964 Gottlieb
Margoni 09/16/06
Happy Clown V3.00 1964 Gottlieb
FranzLeo, Margoni, Zorgar 01/25/14
Harlem Globetrotters 1.1 1979 Bally
rob046 & Popotte 08/09/06
Hawaiian Beauty 1.1 1954 Gottlieb
fpozo45 12/12/18
Hayburners 1.1 1951 Williams
Misaligned Cow Ventures 07/21/07
Hearts and Spades - 1969 Gottlieb
Margoni 07/19/06
Heat Wave RC1 1964 Williams
Leon Spalding 03/13/07
Hi-Deal -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Bally
Greywolf 02/21/09
HI-Lo Ace - 1973 Bally
Margoni 04/11/11
High Hand 2.10 1973 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/26/06
Hokus Pokus-=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Bally
Greywolf 02/21/09
Hollywood 1.0 1976 Chicago Coin
DrFierce 02/13/12
Honey - 1972 Williams
Margoni 01/05/12
Hot Shot 1.0 1973 Gottlieb
matthew farmer & Larsboy 11/01/05
Hot Shot 1.0 score overlay 1973 Gottlieb
matthew farmer, Larsboy and Scapino 11/25/05
Hurdy Gurdy - 1966 Gottlieb
Margoni 02/07/09
Ice Show ver. 2017 1966 Gottlieb
Margoni 12/31/17
Jack In The Box 1.00 1973 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/12/18
Joker Poker 2.0 1978 Gottlieb
Patrick 12/29/05
Joker Poker V6Fix 1978 Gottlieb
EDM, Patrick, Gravy and Lio 09/09/08
Joker Poker 1.0 1978 Gottlieb
Bamboo 12/04/07
Jolly Jokers - 1962 Williams
Margoni 03/08/11
Jungle 1.00 1972 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/02/07
Jungle 1.00 1960 Williams
Margoni 03/08/10
Jungle 1.00 1960 Williams
FranzLeo & Margoni 08/04/14
Kick Off 1.1 1976 Bally
jc144 01/16/06
King of Diamonds 2.00 1967 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/07/07
King Pin 2.0 1973 Gottlieb
Clovis Morato 11/21/09
King Pin 1.00 1973 Gottlieb
Popotte 02/16/10
King Rex - 1968 Bally
Margoni 09/06/09
King Tut - 1969 Bally
Margoni 08/06/08
Kings & Queens 2.10 1965 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/08/06
KISS 1.10 1979 Bally
Popotte 10/15/07
Knock Out 1.00 1950 Gottlieb
FranzLeo 08/16/11
Lancers 1.0 1961 Gottlieb
fpozo45 08/08/18
Little Joe 1.0 1971 Bally
jc144 02/05/06
Lost World 1.0 1977 Bally
chaos 08/16/11
Lucky Hand - 1977 Gottlieb
Margoni 05/05/11
Graphics Pack
Music Pack
Mad Scientist: The Chemicals MOD
- First disk = Table,
- Second third disks: Music and Graphics packs
2.41 1996 Maxis
- Alphabill & Mad MR Max 10/27/09
Magic City 1.0 1967 Williams
Popotte 12/03/06
Magic Town 1.0 1967 Williams
Popotte 12/03/06
Majorettes - 1964 Gottlieb
Margoni 07/01/06
Magnotron - 1974 Gottlieb
Clovis Morato 08/28/10
Magnotron V110 1974 Gottlieb
Popotte 06/30/11
Mariner - 1971 Bally
Margoni 11/07/10
Mata Hari V1.1 1977 Bally
chaos 12/24/10
Melody - 1967 Gottlieb
Margoni 05/10/07
Midnight Magic 1.0 1984 Atari
- Slash2084 03/31/08
Mini Oak Bagatelle 1.0 - -
- Patrick 01/19/06
Miss O 1.0 1969 Williams
Popotte 01/18/09
Monte Carlo RC1 1963 Bally
Leon Spalding 10/07/07
Monte Carlo 0.1 beta 1972 Bally
jc144 01/16/06
Moulin Rouge 1.00 1965 Williams
Popotte 04/23/21
Neptune - 1978 Gottlieb
Margoni 07/15/09
Nesting Birds 1.0 1932-34 Lindstrom Tool and Toy Co.
Unclewilly 01/25/06
North Star - 1964 Gottlieb
Margoni 05/20/09
Oh Boy 1.1 1964 Williams
fpozo45 09/04/18
Old Chicago -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Bally
Greywolf & Popotte 02/21/09
Old Chicago 1.10 1976 Bally
Popotte 03/16/08
Orbit 1.00 1971 Gottlieb
Popotte 10/18/07
Original Flipper 1.2 ? Van Der Meer
qz0r 10/20/07
Original Flipper 1.0 ? Van Der Meer
Pinbotic 01/18/08
OXO 2.00 1973 Williams
Misaligned Cow Ventures + centinex 03/31/08
Palace Guard - 1968 Gottlieb
Margoni 10/14/07
Paul Bunyan 1.00 1968 Gottlieb
Popotte & Doudou10 03/31/08
Pinball Planet 1.0 - Pin International Co.
- Patrick 01/28/06
Pinball Pool 1.10 1979 Gottlieb
Popotte 11/29/07
Pioneer (self-contained) 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Greywolf 12/25/09
Pioneer Fix 1976 Gottlieb
TAB and Destruk 09/16/08
Pop-A-Card - 1972 Gottlieb
Margoni 01/03/07
Power Play - 1977 Bally
Margoni 12/23/11
Pro Football 1.00 1973 Gottlieb
Popotte 10/15/07
Pro Pool - 1973 Gottlieb
Margoni 04/10/09
Rocket RC4 1959 Williams
Leon Spalding 04/13/08
Rocket III -=- BAM required 2.00 1967 Bally
Popotte 03/08/10
Rolling Stones 1.0 1979 Bally
Gerhard S, Germax 04/16/06
Rolling Stones 1.00 1980 Bally
Popotte 11/02/10
Royal Flush 1.05 1976 Gottlieb
Popotte 11/04/06
Royal Flush-=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Popotte (Greywolf rescript) 02/21/09
Royal Guard - 1968 Gottlieb
Margoni 03/08/18
Safari RC1 1968 Bally
Leon Spalding 11/14/06
Satin Doll V1.10 1975 Williams
Popotte 14/21/11
Sheriff RC1 1971 Gottlieb
Popotte 10/20/09
Ship Ahoy - 1976 Gottlieb
Margoni 10/07/06
Ship Mates 1.00 1964 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/22/08
Show Boat - 1961 Gottlieb
Margoni 02/27/18
Silver - 1957 Gottlieb
Margoni 11/14/06
Silverball Mania 1.0 1978 Bally
UncleReamus & Destruk 06/16/06
Sittin' Pretty - 1958 Gottlieb
Margoni 03/24/10
Sky Jump 1.0 1974 Gottlieb
Clovis Morato 12/26/09
Sky Jump BAM FizX 1.0 1974 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/24/23
Slick Chick - 1963 Gottlieb
Margoni 09/25/09
Snow Queen - 1970 Gottlieb
Margoni 03/27/09
Space Cadet - 1995 Maxis
Franz Leo 01/24/12
Space Invaders 1.0 1979 Bally
Germax 02/14/06
Space Mission V1.00 1976 Williams
Denis & Popotte 05/11/09
Spanish Eyes 1.10 1972 Williams
Popotte 02/02/13
Spin Out -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Gottlieb
Greywolf 02/21/09
Spirit of 76 - 1975 Gottlieb
Margoni 05/07/06
Spirit of 76 V1.00 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte 11/17/06
Spirit of 76 -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte and Greywolf 02/21/09
Square Head 2018 1963 Gottlieb
Margoni 02/20/18
Star Jet V1.00 1963 Bally
Popotte 03/25/09
Star Trek - 1971 Gottlieb
Margoni 03/13/18
Star Trek 1.1 1978 Bally
Gerhard, Germax & shiva 01/03/06
Star Trek 1.00 1979 Bally
Popotte 01/25/08
Steel Wheel 1.10 1992 Digital Illusions
- Pethu 01/09/08
Straight Flush Leon's EM Sounds Library RC1 1957 Gottlieb
Leon Spalding 05/24/07
Strato-Flite -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1974 Williams
Greywolf 02/21/09
Strikes And Spares 1.10 1978 Bally
Popotte 05/06/06
Struggle Buggies V1.00 1953 Williams
Popotte 09/13/15
Subway - 1966 Gottlieb
Margoni 05/19/06
Super-Flite -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1974 Williams
Greywolf 02/21/09
Super Soccer BAM FizX 1.0 1975 Gottlieb
Popotte 01/24/23
Super Spin - 1977 Gottlieb
Margoni 12/17/11
Supersonic - 1979 Bally
Vimy_photo 04/19/22
Sure Shot -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Greywolf 02/21/09
Surf Champ 1.10 1976 Gottlieb
Popotte 03/29/06
Surf Champ 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Popotte (Greywolf rescript) 02/21/09
Surfer -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Greywolf 02/21/09
Sweet Hearts 2.10 1963 Gottlieb
Popotte 09/08/06
Target Alpha 2.00 1976 Gottlieb
Popotte 06/12/06
Target Alpha -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1976 Gottlieb
Greywolf 02/21/09
Teacher's Pet 1.00 1965 Williams
Popotte 11/11/10
Ten Spot 1.00 1961 Williams
Popotte 02/17/10
The Getaway: High Speed II Beta 1992 Williams
Howard Groyer 12/28/07
Sounds library
Graphics library
The Machine: Bride of Pin-bot
- First disk = table,
- Second disk: sounds pack,
- Third disk: graphics pack
Unfinished 1991 Williams
jc144, Sibben, flash,
MadMax, Larsboy
The Red Max RC1 1971 Bally
Leon Spalding 10/17/06
Tim-Buc-Tu 1.01 1956 Williams
Marc Bouchard 01/19/06
Time Tunnel 1.00 1971 Bally
Popotte 10/19/09
Tit for Tat 2.0 1935 Chicago Coin
Patrick 01/22/06
Triple Strike -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Williams
Greywolf 02/21/09
Volley V1 1976 Gottlieb
Flash 02/17/07
Volley V1.00 1976 Gottlieb
Popotte 03/03/07
Wizard! -=- WolfLibs v5.0 Part 1 Part 2 5.0 1975 Bally
Greywolf & Ian 02/21/09
Wizard! (Bam and FizX) 1.20 1975 Bally
Popotte 01/25/23
World Fair V1.10 1964 Gottlieb
Popotte 07/08/11
Zip A Doo RC1 1970 Bally
Leon Spalding 02/06/07